Attic Cleaning Service

Every home needs a little tidying up on occasion. Your attic is no exception and probably needs more attention because of where it’s located in your house. Attics are essentially a buffer zone between the inside and outside of your home, which increases dust build-up and exposure to dirt, pollen, and even rodents or insects.
Southwest Insulation helps you address these issues with our excellent attic cleaning services.
Our experienced attic cleaning team will take the necessary steps to assess the condition of your attic and then implement an attic cleaning strategy. It’s important to have professionals handle your attic cleaning because they know what they’re looking at.
Southwest’s staff will be able to determine major problems like mold or rodent infestation. And doing a thorough inspection gives us an opportunity to see any troubling signs and identify the source of the mold and other contaminants. Perhaps your attic needs rodent proofing and extra help getting rid of animal fecal matter. Southwest has you covered!
It’s essential that attic cleaning is performed by someone who knows what to look for in a house before they begin working. Understanding the nuances of attic insulation goes a long way to ensuring attic cleaning is done right. Most of the time, insulation needs to be replaced, and Southwest provides expert recommendations and reliable insulation services.
Attic cleaning requires high-tech equipment and sanitizers to get rid of toxins. For example, if your attic is infested with vermin, sanitation can’t take place until the old insulation is removed. From there, our technicians go in and begin sanitizing every square foot of your attic. We use special vacuum bags and protective gear during the cleanup for safe decontamination.
Importance Of Attic Cleaning
Hiring Southwest for professional attic cleaning is a great idea for many reasons. Maintaining a clean and healthy home can be achieved in multiple ways. Attic cleaning erases issues that are detrimental to your health, like poor air quality, bad allergies, and toxic exposure. Not to mention, air leaks have a tendency to reveal themselves in the corners of your attic.
This means having a clean attic will also save you money on energy costs. Air leaks pose a major disadvantage in terms of energy efficiency. When your home is constantly allowing air to enter an exit, it creates an unbalanced environment and has the potential to raise utility costs. A clean attic with an airtight infrastructure adds consistency.
Regular attic cleaning and inspections will help you stay warm during the winter and cool during the summer because your home’s HVAC system won’t have to work as hard. Temperature control means everything if you want your house to have healthy air quality. Filtered air is both cleaner and safer for everyone living inside, and it will actually save you money long-term.
Attic cleaning eliminates the possibility of your attic being a threat to your home’s air supply. Southwest takes great care of your attic spaces and does a detailed cleaning. When you decide it’s time for an attic cleaning appointment, contact us, and we’ll send someone out as soon as possible! With our quality guarantee, your home is in great hands.
Should I clean my attic?
Yes! Attic spaces go neglected and untouched for years at a time because homeowners either forget or don’t know the consequences of having a filthy attic. Attic cleaning takes care of everything and makes your home healthier and more organized. Southwest recommends attic cleaning every couple of years for improved results.
How do you clean a dirty attic?
The best attic cleaning is done by professionals, and Southwest Insulation provides premium attic cleaning services at an affordable price. Our technicians have decades’ worth of experience and the right tools and techniques to conduct attic cleaning in the dirtiest of conditions. We make the scheduling process super fast and easy too, with flexible appointments!
Why do attics get so dusty?
Dust accumulates in your attic the same way it does everywhere else in your home. Time and lower foot traffic make it an ideal area for dust to fester and run rampant. Southwest’s attic cleaning removes dust with precision, and our professional staff works in a timely manner to finish appointments promptly.
Can attic insulation be vacuumed?
Attic cleaning usually requires some vacuuming. Pieces of insulation and dust have to be removed, and vacuuming does this better than anything. When Southwest Insulation performs attic cleaning, we bring industrial-level equipment to suck up debris. Having the right equipment plays an important role in attic cleaning.
How often should attic insulation be replaced?
As a general rule for attic maintenance, start checking your attic insulation about 10 to 15 years after it was initially installed. This is when you typically start to see deterioration and problems occur. Southwest will do a thorough assessment of your attic during our attic cleaning process and inform you about whether insulation replacement is needed.